DASH vs. Litecoin: We Help You Decide What’s Better! | OWNR Wallet

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Dash vs. Litecoin Comparison: Which One Is Better to Buy?


In recent years, multiple changes have taken place in the financial sector, with cryptocurrencies emerging to be one of the most innovative and central concepts, providing instant payments for most purchases by companies and individuals. Their explosive growth and volatility has put them at the center of the attention of any ambitious investor. Among the many digital currencies available, LTC and DASH have been gaining popularity due to their unique features and potential for growth.

Both LTC and DASH have gained a reputation as alternatives to Bitcoin, offering faster transaction times and lower fees. In this article, we will compare DASH vs. Litecoin to help any potential investor to decide which is a better investment option for their trading and investing plans. We will examine the differences in their technology, adoption rates, and market capitalization to help our readers form a complete picture and make an informed decision.

What is DASH?

Dash coin was launched in 2014 as an alternative for investors who want to enter the cryptocurrency market, but for whose budget Bitcoin was too far. It is considered to be a fast and secure digital currency that can be utilized by its holders for everyday transactions. DASH uses InstantSend and PrivateSend technology.

Such types of technologies allow any transactions done with the token to be confirmed within a few seconds; they enhance the privacy of transactions by hiding the sender and recipient addresses. Thus, in transactions where speed and security is key, DASH is considered to be ideal.

DASH’s features

This type of token is a widely used crypto asset that provides a great variety of features to its holders, offering them a unique trading experience and highly efficient transactions. The key characteristics of DASH are the high level of security, the speed of transactions, and its near-zero fees.

Moreover, DASH coin has a unique governance technology which is designed to be decentralized and community-driven. The major amount of DASH coin is held by “masternodes.” Their key characteristic is that they have voting rights inside the ecosystem of the token and are responsible for making decisions about the future of the network.

What Is Litecoin (LTC)?

LTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee. It was designed to be a faster and more efficient alternative to Bitcoin. Like Bitcoin, LTC is based on a blockchain network that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units.

One of the key differences between LTC and Bitcoin is the way in which they mine new coins. While Bitcoin uses a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, LTC uses a Scrypt algorithm, which is faster and more memory-efficient. This makes it easier for regular users to mine LTC on their personal computers, rather than needing specialized expensive hardware like with Bitcoin.

Over the years, LTC has become a popular cryptocurrency and has gained traction and acceptance as a payment method by merchants and businesses worldwide. It is also widely traded on cryptocurrency exchanges and has a large and active community of developers and supporters.

Litecoin’s features

Litecoin has several distinct features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. Some of them include:

  1. Relatively low transaction fees. LTC is a much more cost-effective option for users than Bitcoin. This is particularly important for microtransactions or small purchases where high fees can be prohibitive.
  2. Fast transaction speeds. LTC is able to process transactions much faster than Bitcoin, with block times of 2.5 minutes compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes.
  3. Lighter mining algorithm. As mentioned earlier, Litecoin uses a Scrypt algorithm, which is less memory-intensive than Bitcoin's PoW algorithm.
  4. Large community. Litecoin has an active community of developers who are constantly trying to improve the network and add new innovative features.

Where can I buy Litecoin?

One of the possible ways to buy Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies is through an online wallet. OWNR Wallet is one of the leading solutions on the market. It stands out with its security, cost-efficiency, and wide range of cryptos. All you need to do to buy Litecoin in OWNR is download and install this user-friendly application on your desktop or mobile device. Start using OWNR digital wallet now!

How Do Litecoin and DASH differ?

_a8PY36aqiw.jpg Although both coins share some similarities as digital currencies, such as being decentralized and using blockchain technology, there are also significant differences between the two. In this section we will examine them closely.


LTC was created in 2011 as a fork of the Bitcoin codebase with some modifications. DASH coin was originally launched in 2014 as XCoin, then changed its name to Darkcoin before settling on DASH, which stands for "Digital Cash."


LTC uses a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithm. DASH coin uses a hybrid consensus mechanism called X11, which combines eleven different cryptographic algorithms. This hybrid protocol helps to ensure a more secure and efficient way of validating transactions and creating new blocks on the blockchain network.


Litecoin is one of the largest cryptos by market capitalization and has a more significant trading volume than DASH coins. As of March 2023, LTC’s market cap is around $6.3 billion. DASH, on the other hand, has a lower market capitalization but is still considered a significant player in the cryptocurrency space. As of March 2023, its market cap accounts for around $620 million.


Both Litecoin and DASH coins have experienced significant growth in their respective lifetimes. LTC has seen consistent growth over the years, with its price rising from just a few cents to over $400 at its peak. DASH, on the other hand, has seen more volatile price movements over time.

How it works

LTC and DASH both work on a decentralized blockchain network that enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries. Litecoin's blockchain uses the Scrypt algorithm, while DASH's blockchain uses a combination of different algorithms.


LTC was created as a faster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin. DASH, in contrast, was designed to be a more privacy-focused and user-friendly cryptocurrency.

Blockchain validation processes

In Litecoin's validation process, miners use a hashing algorithm called Scrypt to solve a cryptographic puzzle and validate transactions on the network. It’s considered to be relatively simple.

Dash uses a slightly more complex validation process called X11. This algorithm uses a combination of 11 different hashing tasks to validate transactions, making it more difficult to mine Dash compared to LTC. In addition to traditional miners, Dash also has a network of "masternodes" that help to validate transactions and provide additional security to the network.


Litecoin and DASH can both be mined. However, Litecoin's mining process is more CPU-intensive than DASH's, which makes it more accessible to individual miners.

Transaction speed

LTC and Dash both have relatively fast transaction speeds compared to Bitcoin. LTC has a block time of 2.5 minutes. Dash, on the other hand, has an even faster block time of 1-2 seconds, which makes this crypto a suitable option for real-world transactions.

Transaction fees

Litecoin's transaction fees are generally lower than Bitcoin's, making it a more affordable option with very low costs for smaller transactions. DASH's fees are also relatively low, and its PrivateSend feature can add an additional fee for enhanced privacy.

Block time

Litecoin's and DASH block time is approximately the same - 2.5 minutes. This means that on average, a new block is added to the blockchain every 2.5 minutes for both cryptocurrencies. This is faster than Bitcoin, which has a block time of 10 minutes.


LTC has a maximum supply of 84 million coins. DASH, on the other hand, has a maximum supply of 18.9 million coins, with a current circulating supply of around 11 million.

Dash vs. Litecoin: Side-By-Side Comparison

ConsensusX11 algorithmProof of Work
Value$620 million market cap$6.3 billion market cap
How it worksScrypt algorithmCombination of 11 algorithms
PurposePrivacy-focusedFaster and cheaper alternative to Bitcoin
Blockchain validation processesX11 algorithmScrypt algorithm
Transaction speed1-2 sec2.5 minutes
Transaction feesrelatively lowrelatively low
Block time2.5 minutes2.5 minutes
SupplyMaximum supply of 18.9 million coinsMaximum supply of 84 million coins

Use Cases



DASH is gaining popularity nowadays due to its innovative features, such as InstantSend and PrivateSend, which make it a versatile cryptocurrency. Let’s have a look at how it’s possible to use this crypto.

  1. E-commerce. Due to its super fast transaction speed and relatively low fees, DASH can be used as a payment method for e-commerce transactions, allowing merchants to accept payments from customers around the world.
  2. Peer-to-peer transactions. It can be used as a payment method between individuals. Its PrivateSend feature allows users to transact anonymously, providing an additional layer of privacy and security.
  3. Trading. This token can be used as a trading tool, providing an opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios. This crypto is considered to be volatile, which offers the potential for higher returns, yet with increased risks.


Below you can see the most common use cases for LTC.

  1. Trading. LTC can be used for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. Traders can buy and sell LTC to make a profit from price fluctuations. This crypto has shown consistent growth and has a potential for further success. However, it’s crucial to remember that crypto markets are highly volatile and imply significant risks, and thus require knowledge and experience to avoid losing money.
  2. Digital payments. LTC can be used for making digital payments, especially for small transactions due to its faster processing time and lower fees. It can be an alternative to traditional payment methods, such as credit cards and bank transfers.
  3. Remittances. LTC can be used for cross-border remittances as it offers faster and cheaper transactions compared to traditional remittance services. People can send money to another country without involving any intermediaries.

DASH: Pros and Cons

Advantages of DASH

  1. Decentralized nature. This token is a decentralized cryptocurrency, meaning that it is not controlled by any central authority or government. This makes it less vulnerable to hacking attacks.
  2. Fast transaction speeds. DASH transactions are processed very quickly, usually within seconds.
  3. Privacy. DASH cryptocurrency ensures a high level of privacy to its users, thanks to its PrivateSend feature. This feature mixes transactions, making them more difficult to trace and adding an additional layer of anonymity.
  4. Large community. This crypto has an active and engaged community of developers and users who are constantly working on improving its ecosystem.

Disadvantages of DASH

  1. High market volatility. Similarly to other crypto assets, DASH is subject to significant price movements, making it a high-risk investment.
  2. Limited acceptance. Although the adoption of DASH as a payment method is growing steadily, it is still not as widely accepted as traditional currencies and more popular digital currencies. This means that it may be difficult to use it for everyday purchases.
  3. Regulatory risks. Due to its decentralized nature, DASH may face regulatory risks in some countries, where governments may limit its use.

Litecoin (LTC): Pros and Cons

Advantages of Litecoin

  1. High liquidity. Litecoin crypto is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrencies. As such, it is listed on most major exchanges. This means that it has high liquidity, which makes it easy for users to buy and sell LTC quickly.
  2. Security. Litecoin’s Scrypt protocol is more resistant to ASIC mining, which makes LTC safer than some other popular cryptocurrencies.

Disadvantages of Litecoin

  1. Market Volatility. Just as with any other crypto, Litecoin's price is highly volatile and subject to sudden market moves.
  2. “Lite” version of Bitcoin. LTC is highly dependent on Bitcoin, and its price is no exception. This means that if the BTC price drops, LTC may also follow.
  3. Limited adoption. While LTC is popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, it still has not seen widespread adoption in mainstream markets.

Is DASH similar to Litecoin?

Those coins are both popular cryptocurrencies that were created as alternatives to Bitcoin. Therefore, they have many similarities. Let’s take a look at the most significant ones.

  1. Decentralization. Both DASH and Litecoin are based on a decentralized blockchain technology, which means that they are not controlled by any central authority.
  2. PoW protocol. Both of these crytos use a Proof of Work consensus mechanism. This is a popular method for validating transactions on the blockchain. This means that miners must compete to solve complex mathematical problems in order to validate new transactions and earn rewards in the form of new coins.
  3. Transaction speeds. Both tokens can boast of fast transaction times compared to Bitcoin. DASH, in particular, is known for its fast transaction speeds, which are made possible by its unique two-tier network architecture.

Is Litecoin better than DASH?

Nowadays, when it comes to deciding if it is better to buy DASH or LTC, the choice is up to each trader: in particular, their investments goals, trading strategy, and risk tolerance. Some investors may prefer LTC due to its long-established history and strong market position, while others may be drawn to DASH's privacy features and transaction speeds.

However, note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Thus, it's important to do your own research and carefully consider factors such as market trends, market volatility, and regulatory developments before making any investment decisions. Additionally, it’s recommended to constantly educate yourself on the asset you are planning to trade and to consult with a financial advisor or investment professional for personalized investment advice based on your individual situation.

Which is the better cryptocurrency? DASH vs. Litecoin

Litecoin and DASH are among multiple cryptocurrency options available for investors to choose from. They have been attracting the interest of investors due to their unique features. Litecoin crypto focuses on faster transaction speeds and lower fees, especially in contrast to Bitcoin (BTC). DASH cryptocurrency, in turn, provides users with privacy-based transactions and offers the benefit of anonymity.

It’s clear that each cryptocurrency has its own strengths and weaknesses.The choice between DASH vs. Litecoin is up to each trader, depending on their investment goals and risk tolerance.


Is DASH a fork of Litecoin?

Despite the fact that both coins have the same mining algorithms, the former is not considered to be fork of the latter. DASH token differs from LTC in various features such as the safety and speed of transactions, as well as the fees that are included. Both are considered as widely used crypto tokens and are rather popular in the financial world.

Is DASH a better investment than Litecoin?

Both DASH and Litecoin are rather popular crypto tokens that are highly adopted by most investors and are used by a growing number of businesses worldwide. However, the choice between these two crypto coins depends solely on the investor’s personal investment strategy and goals, as well as their level of risk tolerance. Any investment choice should be done after conducting thorough research and a careful analysis.

Is DASH faster than Litecoin?

While both DASH and Litecoin have the same average block time of 2.5 minutes, the former is faster than the latter in cases of point sale transactions since it has smaller confirmation times due to its InstantSend technology. However, the option of which to choose clearly depends on the nature of the transactions as well as their use cases.

Where can I buy DASH and Litecoin?

You can buy both of these cryptocurrencies in any popular crypto exchange. You only need to create an account and a digital wallet and insert the amount you want to invest.

DISCLAIMER: None of the authors, contributors, administrators, or editors connected to OWNR Wallet encourage readers to invest in Litecoin or DASH without proper research. This article is purely for educational purposes only.

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