What Is Crypto Art and How Does It Work? A Full Explanation | OWNR Wallet

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What Is Crypto Art?

You may have heard stories about how someone buys NFTs cheaply and then sells them for millions of dollars. What are these mysterious digital pictures? Even if you have never heard anything about digital art and NFTs, this article will be useful to you, since NFTs are another impetus for the progress of Web3, which will gain more relevance over the years. Some key takeaways about NFTs:

  • Crypto art is music, pictures and gifs created on the basis of the blockchain and having its own unique id.
  • A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique id that represents a digital asset on blockchain chains.
  • Anyone can create, promote and sell their digital art.
  • Digital art works can be promoted through exhibitions and social networks.
  • The price of crypto art works depends on exclusivity, the reputation of an artist, the market and the sales history of the author.
  • Crypto artists are artists, graphic designers, animators who create their masterpieces on the basis of blockchain and their objects of art have their own unique token.

What Is Crypto Art?

Crypto art is a form of digital art that typically exists in limited quantities in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and has a specific authorship and owner. Objects of crypto art can be collected in the same way as objects of regular art. Some people buy digital art for their collection, and some consider digital art as an investment.


Crypto art is not limited to drawings alone (although this form is the most popular so far): it can also be GIFs, videos, music, and much more.

An NFT gains its value from its exclusivity and scarcity. The more unique the NFT item, the more it will be worth. As we previously mentioned, an NFT can have its own author and owner (hence, it can be transferred from one owner to another). You can also receive royalties for reproducing crypto art.

Objects of crypto art can be not only digital, but also physical art, tracked on a blockchain or cryptosystem. Many of the works available in the crypto art niche are crypto-themed artworks that focus on digital culture and technology.

Works of crypto art are related to various topics: politics, economics, philosophy, blockchain, and, of course, cryptocurrency. A blockchain helps distinguish a work of art from a fake, and confirms ownership of a work of art.

Understanding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are the tool that makes crypto art possible. As you can guess from the name, an NFT is a unique token that cannot be replaced with any other; it is the token and metadata that prove the authorship of an image. Simply put, thanks to exclusive metadata, the token cannot be stolen.

As NFTs have grown in popularity, they have moved from the digital field to the real world and physical objects. Today, thanks to NFTs, you can buy digital clothing, shoes, property, and other assets.

We mentioned earlier that digital art gains its value from its uniqueness. As a result, today NFTs are being introduced into the release of music albums, and the author can receive a partial royalty for his art.

NFTs provide an opportunity for many artists to take their work into the metaverse and offer it on the market. Moreover, there are cases where artists have transferred existing popular paintings into digital works. Overall, NFTs offer a great chance for enthusiasts to make a name for themselves in the digital market.

Minting and Selling Crypto Artworks

Since NFTs bring many talented artists into the metaverse industry, of course most of them are interested in monetizing their art.

To make yourself known on the market and start selling your works, you author can organize an exhibition of your digital art. This can be done using special platforms. You will need to upload your materials to the platform, provide a link to your NFT store, fill out a description and information about the objects, and voila, your personal exhibition is ready. A thumbnail of your artwork will be shown in the virtual room, and when a user clicks on it, they will see its name, description, and even a “Buy” or “View NFT” button that will take them to your chosen NFT marketplace to purchase.

To upload your work to the buying and selling platform, you will need to pay a small fee (this varies). In order to get the most out of your exhibition, you can create the design and atmosphere of the exhibition yourself. You will be able to advertise your exhibition on social networks, and send a link to the exhibition to collectors and potential buyers.

This may be the extra push that could turn your NFT collection into one of the most valuable and desirable digital assets.

Evaluating Crypto Art Marketplaces

If you are a crypto artist you can step into the digital art universe with the following platforms:

  1. Mintable
  2. Mintbase
  3. OpenSea
  4. objkt.com
  5. Rarible
  6. Zora

Bybit, Binance, AirNFTs, and Binance NFT also support crypto artists and have their own markets. From Arbitrum to Bitcoin ArtOlin, these spots blend art and tech, letting artists share their passions, and helping collectors find hidden gems in the exciting world of crypto art.

Pricing and Promoting Crypto Art

The following factors mainly influence the value of NFTs:

  • Deficit. In principle, as with cryptocurrency, scarcity also works with pieces of art. The more unique and rare the object, the higher the value for those who are willing to buy crypto art.

  • Artist's reputation. This factor will be especially important for those who are really interested in and understand NFTs. People who are not new to the market will pay attention not only to the NFT itself, but also to the author and his background.

  • Sales history. Sales history largely shapes an artist's reputation on the market. If previously the creator managed to sell his masterpieces for a lot of money, then the likelihood that new works will also be expensive increases.

  • Platform and market trends. The platform can be promoted or unpromoted. Also, market trends, like fashion, support supply and demand, and, accordingly, the value.

  • Token attributes. Certain attributes of a token, such as utility, royalties, unlockable content, or interactive features associated with the NFT, can affect its value. Additional perks or benefits attached to the token can make the artwork more desirable and valuable.

There are different methods of promotion:

  • Exhibitions. This is the most effective way to express yourself on the market, but it will take time to organize, and you will most likely need to pay the platform for placement.

  • Social media. Everything is individual here. Some have good organic traffic, while others have to buy advertising. In any case, this is a slow way of promotion, but the most effective, as it increases customer loyalty and creates your personal brand.


Creating Crypto Artworks for NFTs

If you're an artist eager to venture into the world of NFTs for the first time, here's a simple guide to help you along:

  1. Prepare Yourself. To begin, ensure that you have set up a digital wallet. Connect this wallet to your chosen NFT marketplace to lay the foundation for transforming your image into a token on the blockchain.

  2. Present Your Artwork. Next, showcase your digital creation by uploading it onto the platform. Provide it with a title and a brief description. Before you mint your artwork, consider adding special details such as a royalty clause or hidden elements to enhance its appeal.

  3. Double-Check Everything. Before proceeding, carefully review your artwork. This step marks a critical juncture: once you're satisfied, click the "Create" button to initiate the minting process. You may be required to pay a fee. Additionally, opt for minting a single token or a collection based on your preference.

  4. Welcoming Your NFT Into the World. After your artwork is validated on the blockchain, it will become visible in your profile. Your image is now ready for display and sale. You can either set a fixed price for it, or put it up for auction, allowing art enthusiasts and collectors to discover and potentially acquire your unique NFT creation.

Creating an NFT not only involves technical steps, but also represents a journey of artistic expression in the digital realm. Embrace this process with enthusiasm, as each stage brings you closer to sharing your creative vision with a global audience through the innovative medium of blockchain technology.

Who Are Crypto Artists?

Crypto artists are creators who sell their works on the crypto market. They create digital art and promote it. Crypto artists come from different fields: 3D animators, graphic artists, designers, and so on. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Beeple (Mike Winkelmann): Beeple gained global recognition for his digital artwork "Everydays: The First 5000 Days," which sold for millions as an NFT. He is a pioneer in the crypto art space.

  2. Pak (Murat Pak): Pak is a prominent digital artist known for creating mesmerizing and thought-provoking NFT artworks that have captivated the crypto art community.

  3. Mad Dog Jones: This pseudonymous artist fuses futuristic aesthetics with a cyberpunk vibe in his digital creations, garnering a devoted following in the NFT world.


Authenticating Crypto Art

An interesting fact and one of the main advantages of digital art is that it is technically impossible to copy it. You can only get an identical drawing, but never the rights to ownership (illegally). Since the NFT object has unique metadata, it is impossible to fake it (just like crypto transactions).

In many cases, an artist may choose to retain copyright on an NFT, allowing them to create and sell multiple copies of the same image. However, metadata helps differentiate ownership between similar NFTs and provides credibility to the creator.

Crypto art is protected by copyright, and attempts to copy it or make false claims of authorship will be punishable by law (depending on the particular country’s laws).

The Future of Crypto Art

The future of crypto art will be determined by people who see the potential and opportunity, and who will sell, create, collect and purchase crypto art. Fortunately, today many musicians, creators, athletes and celebrities are interested in NFTs, thereby popularizing this phenomenon among the masses.

More and more different digital goods and goods with the addition of NFTs are appearing. NFTs have made many people reconsider their view of art. As the metaverse expands, NFTs will increase in popularity and loyalty. We can definitely say that NFTs have a great future, and the most amazing things are yet to come.


In conclusion, crypto art stands at the intersection of creativity and innovation, transforming traditional notions of art ownership and distribution in the digital age. By harnessing blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), artists have been able to redefine the art market, offering collectors new ways to engage with and own digital creations. The advent of crypto art has not only democratized access to art, but has also sparked discussions on authenticity, value, and the future of the art industry.

The fusion of art with blockchain technology has not only given rise to new forms of artistic expression, but has also challenged traditional concepts of provenance and ownership. In this realm of digital collaboration and innovation, the potential for growth and exploration knows no bounds, promising a vibrant future where art transcends physical confines to exist in the boundless realm of the digital universe.


How do you become a crypto artist?

To become a crypto artist, create digital artwork, and set up a wallet for cryptocurrency earnings, choose a marketplace like OpenSea or Rarible, mint your artwork as NFTs, list them for sale, promote your work, and engage with the community to grow your presence in the crypto art world.

Why is crypto art so expensive?

Crypto art can be expensive due to its scarcity as NFTs, artist reputation, speculative investment potential, innovative technology, and strong community demand. These factors contribute to the high prices seen in the crypto art market.

Is crypto art the same as NFT?

Crypto art and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are closely related, but not exactly the same. Crypto art refers to digital art that is tokenized and stored on a blockchain using NFT technology. NFTs are unique digital tokens that represent ownership of a specific asset, such as crypto art, collectibles, music, videos, or other digital creations.

Do you need a license to sell crypto?

Regulations for selling cryptocurrencies vary by country, and may require obtaining a license, registering with financial authorities, or complying with AML/KYC regulations. It is crucial to research and understand the legal requirements in your jurisdiction to avoid potential legal consequences.

DISCLAIME: None of the authors, contributors, administrators, or editors connected to OWNR Wallet encourage readers to invest in cryptocurrency without doing proper research on their own. This article is purely for educational purposes only

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