What is GPT-4o, and how is it different from GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4?

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GPT-4o, Explained

GPT-4o (pronounced "o" for "omni") is OpenAI's latest and most advanced AI model. It represents a significant leap in the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

The "O" in GPT-4o stands for "Omni," highlighting the model's comprehensive nature. Unlike its predecessors, GPT-4o is designed to handle various input and output modalities, including text, images, and audio, making it highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications.

One of the most innovative features of GPT-4o is its multimodal functionality, allowing it to process and interpret data from multiple sources:

  • Text: GPT-4o excels at understanding and generating human-like text, from detailed responses to creative writing.

  • Images: The model can analyze and interpret images, identifying scenes, objects, and even emotions.

  • Audio: Although still in development, GPT-4o can comprehend and respond to spoken language.


This multimodal capability enables GPT-4o to perform tasks that were previously beyond the reach of AI models, broadening its application potential. Notably, GPT-4o is available for free and operates faster than earlier models.

Benefits of GPT-4o

GPT-4o enhances communication and interaction by integrating text, image, and audio processing. Its rapid response time to audio inputs, averaging 232 milliseconds, is comparable to human reaction times.

In addition to being faster and more cost-effective—50% cheaper via API usage—it matches the Turbo performance of GPT-4 in English text and code, and shows significant improvement in handling non-English languages. Its superior visual and auditory comprehension also sets it apart from previous versions.

GPT-4o streamlines workflows, automates tasks, and facilitates seamless multilingual communication, making powerful AI tools more accessible.

How to Access GPT-4o

There are several ways to access GPT-4o, including the OpenAI API, OpenAI Playground, and ChatGPT.

  • OpenAI API: Users with an OpenAI API account can access GPT-4o through the Chat Completions API, Assistants API, or Batch API, enabling integration into various projects and applications.

  • OpenAI Playground: This online platform allows users to test GPT-4o’s features, such as text, image, and audio processing.

  • ChatGPT: To use GPT-4o via ChatGPT, a Plus or Enterprise subscription is required. Subscribers can select GPT-4o from the model drop-down menu in the chat window. Free tier users are gradually being upgraded to GPT-4o, so availability may vary.

Key Applications of GPT-4o

GPT-4o has numerous real-world applications across various fields, including translation, content creation, education, and healthcare.

  • Translation: GPT-4o facilitates accurate, real-time translation of text, voice, and images, helping break down language barriers.

  • Content Creation: Content creators can use GPT-4o to enhance productivity and generate new ideas. Writers, musicians, and artists can leverage AI for inspiration and creative collaboration.

  • Education: GPT-4o can transform educational accessibility by providing detailed audio descriptions for visually impaired students and real-time transcriptions for those with hearing impairments.

  • Healthcare: In healthcare, GPT-4o can assist in analyzing medical images, aiding in diagnosis and treatment plans, and powering virtual assistants in customer service.

The range of potential applications for GPT-4o is vast and expanding as researchers and developers explore its capabilities.

Comparison to Previous Models: GPT-3 vs. GPT-3.5 vs. GPT-4 vs. GPT-4o

GPT-4o follows a line of progressively advanced models from OpenAI, including GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4.

  • GPT-3: Launched in 2020, GPT-3 was a significant milestone in language models, demonstrating impressive text generation abilities.

  • GPT-3.5: An improved version of GPT-3, it served as the foundation for the popular ChatGPT chatbot.

  • GPT-4: Building on its predecessors, GPT-4 introduced multimodal features, enhancing performance in text, image, and audio processing.

GPT-3 vs. GPT-3.5 vs. GPT-4 vs. GPT-40

Year of releasePerformanceCapabilities
GPT-32020HighBasic Al tasks
GPT-3.52021HigherImproved reasoning
GPT-42023Very highMultimodal tasks
GPT-402024HighestMultimodal tasks with optimized performance

Ethical Considerations in AI Development and Usage

The development and use of sophisticated AI models like GPT-4o raise important ethical questions. Concerns about bias, misinformation, and misuse of AI-generated content are critical. OpenAI is actively addressing these issues by funding research into fairness and bias mitigation, implementing safety protocols, and engaging in open dialogue with stakeholders.

OpenAI's commitment to responsible AI use involves continuous research and collaboration to mitigate risks and maximize benefits for society. Future advancements in GPT models will likely focus on improving understanding, reasoning, and generation across more complex and diverse contexts.

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